Earlier this week Disney Food Blog posted this picture and the first thing I thought of was
“I know what we’re having for breakfast tomorrow.”
Waffle+Nutella+Stawberries+Banana= Despankinlicious!! For like a split second I thought “man where can I get one of those the next time we visit Disneyland?” Then it hit me.
Duh Steph just make it yourself!
So I recruited some help 🙂 We used the Krusteaz brand Belgian Waffle Mix. Normally I like my nutella and strawberries and bananas on crepes but once I saw this picture, there was no going back, for now that is.
I love crepes. More than pancakes and waffles even. But that’s not what’s important here.
What’s important is………………………………………………………. Thhiiiissssss.
Awesome. Sandwich. But wait, it gets better! Ahhhhhhh,
Butter. A light drizzle of blueberry syrup to finish. Now THAT’S an open-faced sandwich. |