Peanut Butter Cream Filled Crepes

Peanut Butter Cream Filled Crepes
*This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and The National Peanut Board.
I’ve always enjoyed snacking on Peanuts.  My typical go-to’s are Peanut Butter with celery and apples, Peanut Butter cookies with a cold glass of milk, or making a sandwich with Peanut Butter, Nutella and Bananas. The memories of my Grandpas Capirotada and my Step-Mother-In-Law’s boiled Peanuts also come to mind!  As I sit here, thinking about my relationship with Peanuts & Peanut Butter, reflecting on my early childhood years, to now being a Mother of two children of my own who also love Peanuts, I couldn’t help sharing the following short story with you all about my brother and I.  Hope you like it!
Peanut Butter Cream Filled Crepes


Silence surrounded our home.  Mama bear -unsuspecting of what awaited her only a few feet away from where she stood – found only silence.  She pondered a little more as to what was the cause of this mysterious peacefulness in her home. Something wasn’t right.  She waited a little longer.  Silence still.

Silence is golden they say, but when two preschoolers are involved, silence equals suspicion. And she was right to suspect something was wrong and uncanny about her sudden realization.     

Her movements became slow.  Her ears were wide open.  And there it was.  Only a few feet away, the reason for her moment of peace and solitude began to reveal itself as her finely-tuned mommy ears honed in on the mysterious giggles in the closet nearby.

She walked closer…..slowly…..afraid.


As she moved closer to the source, the faint smell of peanut butter began to creep up into her nose.  The closer she got, the stronger it smelled.  “Peanut butter?  Why am I smelling peanut butter?” she thought.  “And what are the kids doing in the closet?”

She arrived at the source.  And in the same second that she reached for the door knob with two giggling children behind it, she realized THEY were the cause of the mysterious peanut butter trail she followed. And with the fear of what she would find behind the door, she turned the doorknob, opened the door, and solved her own mystery.

The cause of her silent household moment, was the result of two peanut butter loving preschoolers using peanut butter as an all around moisturizer & midday snack.  In the hall closet. Mama bear was not happy. 

That poor tub never saw such a hot sticky mess.

True story.  My mom knew how much we loved Peanut Butter, but never did she suspect we would lather ourselves with it!  We laugh about it now, but my poor mom was not a happy camper that day.  Thankfully it didn’t stop her from buying us Peanut Butter whenever we ran out.  She knew the benefits of it and gladly offered it to us on a regular basis.  Now that I have children of my own, I do the same because Peanuts are a perfect nutrient-dense Superfood snack for after school or in between meals.  With 7 grams of protein per serving and more than 30 essential vitamins and nutrients that have more energy boosting protein than any nut, I make sure to always have Peanuts, Peanut Butter, or both in our own pantry.Today I am sharing a favorite recipe of ours that I revamped with peanut butter.  It came out sooooo delish!!  A perfect balance of Peanut Butter flavor and cream in a soft crepe, drizzled with a Peanut Butter Chocolate glaze.  You WILL love this one!


To make one and a half cup of the peanut butter cream filling, you will need…

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
  • 3 tablespoons powdered sugar


  1. In a large bowl add the whipping cream and peanut butter.  Whisk on medium speed about one minute just to get the peanut butter completely broken down and liquefied with the whipping cream.  
  2. Turn off mixer, add the powdered sugar, turn mixer back on to medium speed and whip until the peanut butter milk thickens and begins to form soft peaks.  This shouldn’t take more than 3 minutes.  

Peanut Butter Cream Filled Crepes


For the glaze you will need…

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup cold milk
  • 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder


  1. In a medium bowl combine the milk and powdered sugar. Stir with a whisk until it becomes a thin glaze. 
  2. Add the peanut butter and whisk again until all the peanut butter has fully liquefied into the glaze. 
  3. Add the cocoa powder and mix, whisk, stir….sing. JK.  Ok, maybe I’m not joking about singing.  You’ll probably be singing once you taste this glaze though. 😉

Peanut Butter Cream Filled Crepes

Feel free to add a little more cocoa if you don’t think it’s got enough chocolate flavor.  I must warn you though, be careful with this.  Cocoa powder is one of those ingredients where a little goes a long way, so start with a little at a time if you want to add more than 1 teaspoon.


Drizzle some of that Peanut Butter & Chocolatey goodness over your filled and folded crepe for a delicious treat.
Peanut Butter Cream Filled Crepes

Want more recipes?  Visit where you will find information from planting and harvesting Peanuts, to a wide range of nutritious facts with recipes.  

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by Stephanie Chavez

Author & Content Creator for Spanglish Spoon.